Americans for the Competitive Enterprise System (ACES)

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Americans for the Competitive Enterprise System, Inc. (ACES) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-political, educational organization promoting the understanding of free market economics to students, teachers, and the general public through partnerships between the business and education communities.

Programs and Services

  • Pennsylvania Business Week is a one-week program with a rigorous curriculum that teaches students about the American economic system. High school students are divided into management teams that run their own companies through a computer simulation. The students run the companies for 12 business quarters by making all managerial decisions dealing with pricing their products, investing, marketing, production, research and development, and human resources. The week culminates in five competitions - Advertising, Stockholders Presentation, Trade Show, Return on Net Assets and the Top Company. Simulating real-world business decision-making helps students learn leadership skills, teamwork, time management, analytical thinking, problem-solving and “people” skills.


Stacy Bartholomew

Send an email | View the website | 814-456-7007

2222 Filmore Avenue, Suite 600
Erie, Pennsylvania 16506