Career Street

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Career Street is a comprehensive career exploration and planning program linking businesses, nonprofit organizations, and schools to create and share experiences for students to job shadow, intern, tour companies, benefit from class speakers, and participate in career workshops and fairs, etc.

Career Street's overarching objective is to unite employers, schools and nonprofit organizations to help shape the future workforce and to help students more carefully consider and prepare for future careers.

Programs and Services

  • Career Street offers career exploration experiences for students in grades K-12 through the vast network of employers on the interactive website and professional coordination through the program's director. Career Street facilitates weekly printed Career Street Career Interviews (CSCI) distributed to educators for classroom use, provides Educator in the Workplace Tours and Educator In-Service Training to help foster career-connected learning in the classroom. Over the last year, Career Street added virtual career exploration activities to support learning outside the traditional classroom and continues to adapt to the needs of educators and workforce development.


Jennifer Pontzer

Send an email | View the website | 814-572-0419

18 W. 9th Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16501